Game ➢


  • System:
  • Genre: Shooter
  • Status: dev
  • Studio: N/A
  • Website:
  • Price: NFT ($35)
  • Blockchain: Cardano
  • Crypto: $MACH
  • Play-to-earn: crypto, NFTs
  • NFTs: weapons, land, passes...

Machiavellic is an upcoming space MMO shooter for PC (Windows, Mac). Set aboard a colossal spaceship en route to the resource-rich planet of Ozzar, players assume the role of Overlords, advanced AI entities commanding officers and vying for dominance through strategic combat, resource management, and faction dynamics. The game emphasizes customization, competition, and collaboration within its immersive world. Additionally, Machiavellic integrates blockchain technology (Cardano) to record and secure ownership of game-related digital assets earned or purchased by players such as NFTs (e.g. weapons, land, skins) and cryptocurrency ($MACH).

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Game Features

  • Mining & Resource Management: Players mine floating containers and resource nodes within the cryogenic halls to secure valuable materials essential for crafting and upgrades. Strategic planning is key to securing materials while defending against rivals.
  • Convoy Events: Players engage in dynamic convoy raids, attempting to shoot off containers filled with valuable resources and rewards. Successfully breaking off a container grants 25% of its contents, adding a layer of high-stakes strategy.
  • PvP Combat: The cryogenic halls are battlegrounds for intense player-versus-player encounters, where skill, strategy, and equipment determine control over resources and influence the balance of power.
  • Trading System: A marketplace allows players to trade resources, items, and equipment, fostering economic strategies and enabling players to optimize their loadouts.
  • Diverse Weaponry: A wide array of weapons—including projectile guns, lasers, missile launchers, and drones—offers tactical variety, enabling players to craft strategies suited to their play styles.
  • Crafting and Upgrading: Players gather resources to craft and upgrade equipment and modules, including through cabin customization, enhancing capabilities for both PvP and PvE scenarios.
  • Faction Dynamics: Players align with one of ten distinct factions, each with unique ideologies and strategies. Individual actions contribute to the governance and strategy of their faction, influencing power struggles and shaping the political landscape within the cryogenic halls.
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Blockchain Integration

Machiavellic aims to feature some form of decentralized governance, and a partially player-owned economy where players can effectively own and trade various game-related digital assets (e.g. weapons, land, skins, passes, cryptocurrency) outside of the game, using smart contracts built on the Cardano blockchain to record and secure transactions and ownership thereof. The game has its own cryptocurrency, $MACH, which mostly serves as a DAO token, reward coin, and premium currency for late game upgrades.
Machiavellic is not open source. While ownership of digital assets is decentralized and secured on the blockchain, users may not be able to run the game in the event that its online service is prematurely shut down.

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Ownable (NFTs)

Commander Pass
An NFT pass granting access to a command role in the game’s universe, providing a designated officer cabin and a weapon.
Marketplace link JPG Store link
WeaponryA collection of advanced weapons designed to enhance combat effectiveness, each tailored for specific battlefield scenarios.Marketplace link JPG Store link
AmmunitionUpgrades in the form of power cell ammunition for legendary weapons to enhance performance and provide strategic advantages.Marketplace link
LandVirtual plots representing cabins and allowing users to enhance their officers’ capabilities, increase salaries, and establish dominance.Marketplace link JPG Store link
Marketplace Shard500 NFT shards that entitle their owner to a share of 25% of transaction fees from in-game exchanges.Marketplace link JPG Store link
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MACH iconCrypto not (yet) listed

$MACH is the primary token and DAO governance asset for the Machiavellic project. It is primarily designed for community engagement, plays a vital role in crafting high-tier endgame content, and may be obtained in limited quantities through gameplay.
It is a fungible, Cardano-based token limited to a total original supply of 1,000,000,000. The different ways to get $MACH outside of crypto markets are… (read more).

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